Our approach minimizes use of fossil fuels and other resources. We let our animals harvest their own feed and spread their own manure. They like it better this way and so do we. This kind of grazing builds soil by maximizing the capture of solar energy and storing, what is left over from beef production, in the soil in the form of stable carbon. This carbon is effectively sequestered from the environment and is the basis of a "living" soil, available for future needs. Healthy sod captures more solar energy than any other plant life. Studies have shown that there may be net decrease in greenhouse gases despite the methane produced by ruminants when compared to other production models. We also hope our farm can serve as an inspiration and proof that a farm can be beautiful, ecological, and profitable. Why profitable? We need to ensure that what is good for our health, good for the environment and good for our communities is sustainable. That is a major part of why I became a distributor for King's AgriSeeds. I want to see our farming community thrive and that starts with efficient capture of solar energy and conversion into valuable products that we actually need and are good for us. High quality perennial forages are an important part of this.
For more information:
Best Practices
We use various forms of management intensive grazing. This is more complicated that just moving the cattle to a fresh strip of pasture each day or what some call rotational grazing. Managing for optimum nutrition each day while planning for how the paddock will be grazed in the coming months, maintaining forage diversity for the life of the stand and optimizing grazing periods for soil health, all at the same time rationing out the grass to get the cattle through the season on a never ending stream of high quality feed is our job. Your job is to enjoy great beef and tell others about it. For those that are interested, we would like to show you how we do what we do.
I can give you a quick or complicated explanation of why we do what we do, but what we hope you see is healthy, comfortable heifers and steers contentedly making their way through beautiful green pastures with a diversity of plant and wildlife coexisting. Our practices are good for the soil, surface and ground water and we intend that the way we do things is also good for the community.
We do not use herbicides, pesticides or antibiotics. We avoid use of chemical fly control if possible, but will not let animals suffer if problematic. We do not plant any GMOs. We try to avoid the use of any GMO products or non-organic feeds on the farm. We use only organic fertilizers and soil amendments. We are not opposed to supplementing in the event of a forage failure and would not hesitant to supplement animals if needed to balance nutrition.If an animal does not finish on forage and needs to be supplemented, we will sell it as such.